Bowhead Navigator

Open-Source, Explainable AI Powering Healthcare Decisions

Bowhead Navigator represents a significant stride in Bowhead Health's commitment to fostering healthcare innovation through open-source technology. Unlike many commercially available solutions, Navigator prioritizes patient privacy and explainability – essential aspects of AI application in healthcare. In 2024, Bowhead Navigator was Designated as a Critical Technology by the Ontario Biosciences Association. We are now working with hospitals to validate its utility and on boarding healthcare professionals for a Private Beta.

Once the Bowhead Navigator is out of beta, we will accept AHT for premium accounts and burn 20% of the AHT fees collected, leading to a deflationary supply.

Meditron LLAMA 70B: A Foundation in Medical Knowledge

At the core of Navigator lies Meditron LLAMA 70B, a specialized large language model (LLM) trained on extensive medical datasets. This LLM utilizes a Retriever-Answer Generator (RAG) system, adept at extracting and synthesizing information from trusted sources like PubMed and This empowers users with:

  • Real-time, evidence-based insights: Access relevant medical knowledge to inform clinical decisions and patient care plans, grounded in established research.

  • Efficient clinical trial identification: Streamline the process of identifying relevant clinical trials for patients, accelerating medical progress.

Continuous Improvement Through Collaboration

Bowhead Navigator is not static. The platform actively incorporates unique datasets contributed by the engaged healthcare community, further validated by a consortium of medical professionals. This collaborative approach ensures:

  • Enhanced Accuracy and Capabilities: Navigator continuously learns and adapts, refining its responses and ensuring their ongoing relevance and reliability.

  • Addressing Nuanced Healthcare Needs: As the platform integrates more data, it becomes more finely tuned to the complexities of diverse healthcare situations.

Democratizing Access with AHT

The Bowhead ecosystem utilizes Anonymized Healthcare Tokens (AHT) as a medium of exchange within Navigator. Users leverage AHT to:

  • Make API Calls: Developers and healthcare providers can seamlessly integrate Navigator's functionalities into their workflows and applications.

  • Reduced Barriers to Entry: AHT facilitates broader access to Navigator's capabilities, fostering innovation in healthcare solutions. This includes research institutions, healthcare providers, and independent developers building personalized health tools.

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical technology, Bowhead Navigator stands out. It champions open-source, explainable AI, empowering a collaborative healthcare community to develop cutting-edge solutions that prioritize patient privacy and improve health outcomes.

Last updated